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/tttt/ - Translating Toxic /tttt/ Terminology

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Brainworms are internalized transphobic ideas common to 4chan and adjacent communities, propagated by trans people. These are often internalized unwillingly when trans people encounter hateful or anti-trans content. Brainworms are phrased such that they can seem intuitively true in a way that's not easily or rationally debunked, even if you intellectually know they're false. Brainworms can increase dysphoria, body dysmorphia, and generalized insanity as typically occurs when you start using and understanding absurd terms such as “Gorillamoding AGP Giga-rapehons”. This entire webpage will likely give you some amount of brain worms. If you are early into your transition, or haven't started yet, or aren't completely sure of yourself, it's probably best if you don't read this page.

Many of the terms on this page have genuine utility, but most of them are absurd, stupid, harmful, and toxic. However, we believe that the toxic terms within this encyclopedia hold significantly less power when they are more easily understood for what they actually mean and their stupidity is thus plain to see for everybody involved, as opposed to remaining mysterious and esoteric. This was the primary motivation behind compiling this document, as well as both a compulsion to shitpost and a general morbid fascination with this terrible culture.

If you are struggling with brainworms, please visit our subreddit at /r/wormfree or join our discord server. For enquiries, please contact us at brainworms.lgbt@proton.me
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A male to female transitioner, a trans woman.

Assigned Male at Birth

A common name for transgirls, is memed within the phrase "take your pills alice!"

A usually younger transgirl who is in the process of transitioning or desires to transition, but is still presenting as a boy and has not yet fully come out.

An MTF trans woman who is still presenting as a masculine male. This term is used in contrast to boymoder, who are considered to be more youthful, effeminate, androgynous, and cute.

COmbined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory, is a test developed by webcomic author Jennifer Diane Reitz, a transsexual woman who designed it "specifically for the uncertain pre-transitional Male-to-Female gender dysphoric".

>Discord tranny
A trans woman who spends far too much time on Discord, an online instant messaging app.

>Euphoria boner
The sexual arousal induced erection that some MTF’s experience when dressing as a woman, particularly in the earlier stages of their transition.

>Female brained bottoms
A bottom who has the brain and general personality of a female, usually referring to that of a trans woman.

An extremely masculine trans woman who is likely very large and hairy. If they were to call themselves a twink pre-transition, gay men would tell them they were more akin to a bear.

"I Will Never Be A Woman." A self-deprecating statement said by trans women about their own transition.

A male to female detransitioner. They went from M to F to M. Sometimes used to refer to fully transitioned trans women who adopt a masculine aesthetic on purpose.

>Tranny bangs
The bangs that trans women often adopt into their hairstyles to hide their higher hairlines, masculine brow ridge, and widow's peaks.

A trans woman who is attracted to other women, particularly other trans women.

A trans person who leans towards or identifies with feminine gender identity and presentation. Can be used to refer to an aesthetic, or can be used to refer to anyone AMAB that is transitioning with estrogen.

"You Will Never Be A Woman." A pejorative intended to drive trans women to despair, used by transphobes.

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A slur for a trans woman who does not (or cannot) pass.

A legacy forum for transgender women, usually older in age. The slur Hon was originally coined to mock users of susanspalace which refer to each other as “hon”, being short for “honey”.

A trans woman who does not pass due to transitioning at a very late age, to the point where they might be considered a “boomer”.

A non-passing trans woman that spitefully resents people living the life they wish they could have.

Brick is a body type that means that your shoulder width is the same as your hip width, without any particularly prominent body area. A brickhon is somebody that looks like this to the point where they believe they cannot pass as female because of it.

An extreme version of a brickhon. Implies a brickish and very rectangular body with no curves, to the extent that it prevents a trans woman from passing.

a non-passing trans woman that improves her social standing by telling jokes and making funny faces. This seems to be the trans equivalent of having a funny fat friend.

A trans woman who is so extremely masculine in general appearance and bone structure that they could never possibly pass as cis.

A very tall trans woman who believes she does not pass due to their extreme height.

A dose of estrogen that is too small to result in effective feminization, usually due to WPATH recommendations that trans women be treated to reach adult woman levels of estrogen and testosterone, rather than pubescent levels. Also called ‘Starter Dose’ or ‘Underdose’

The carefree confidence that is often perceived to be possessed by trans women who do not pass.

The act of openly living as a trans woman who does not pass.

Claims about endocrinology and hormone medication that are believed to be incorrect and only propagated by non-passing trans women, regardless of their actual veracity.

>Innerhon / Outerhon
An "innerhon" is a person who does not pass in terms of their personality but does pass in terms of their appearance. In contrast, an "outerhon" is somebody who doesn't pass in terms of their physical appearance but does pass in terms of their personality.

A slur for non-passing trans women that is purported to have a desire to sexually assault cis women, correlated with their non-passing status. This term is usually used in a sarcastic manner and is generally not to be taken literally.

A trans woman who uses mostly Reddit, as opposed to 4chan or any other social media website.

A trans woman who doesn't pass or thinks they can't pass because of their large and overly masculine ribcage.

A trans woman so masculine in her stature that even the silhouette of her shadow is read as male.

An MTF who feels they cannot pass due to their large and masculine shoulders.

A trans woman that is described as cutesy and naive in their disposition to the extent that it is deemed as cringe, they likely hang out in online communities that hugbox, are easily offended, and are in the earlier stages of their transition.

A trans woman who does not pass but is not overtly masculine in the traditional sense and would likely meet the definition of a twink if they were a gay man instead. Twinkhons are often described as ethereal, desirable, and generally attractive.

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A trans person who was assigned female at birth but identifies as male. A trans man.

A common name for trans men, is memed within the phrase "take your shots ayden!"

A derogatory term for a gay trans man.

a term for making fun of how some trans guys say dude to each other all the time as if it's their first time ever using the word. Analogous to young people that learn to swear for the first time and overcompensate by saying fuck nonstop.

A Female to Male transperson who retains some amount of femininity and presents as a feminine boy.

A Female to Male to Female trans person, essentially an FTM who detransitioned.

A trans man who is still presenting as a girl as they have not fully transitioned yet or are not ready to fully come out of the closet, or a trans woman who is presenting as female in public after previously presenting male.

I Will Never Be A Man.

You Will Never Be A Man.

A trans person who leans towards or identifies with masculine gender identity and presentation.

the equivalent of calling a person "dudebro", but for non-passing trans men.

A slur for an FTM who does not pass as male. The FTM equivalent of a hon.

An artstyle that depicts FTMs as small, pink, and bulbous with large swollen lips, grotesque stitches, and cronenburg-esque mutations. These images are usually drawn in MS paint by FTMs and are seemingly reminiscent of racial caricature art that existed in the early 20th century. To see poonerart, click here.

An FTM that does not pass as male to an extreme extent.

An FTM that does not pass as male to an extreme extent.

The FTM equivalent of a “chad”, a well passing FTM that looks extremely masculine and handsome.

Assigned Female at Birth

A transman who passes as male but due to their diminutive stature, is often mistaken for a young boy.

An FTM who is not yet presenting as entirely male but is instead presenting as a tomboyish girl.

>Dickless manlet
This phrase is usually used by FTMs to refer to themselves in a manner that explains why women do not want to date them. Ie they are short in stature and lack a penis.

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a person who identifies as Non-Binary, neither male nor female. This is often pronounced as “Enby”.

Gender Non-Conforming

Derogatory term for a person that was assigned female at birth and now uses they/them pronouns or is nonbinary.

Derogatory term for a person that was assigned male at birth and now uses they/them pronouns or is nonbinary.

>Negative androgyny
A lack of prominent features of either sex, said to give an ethereal attractive appearance. Examples include twinkhons and elfmoders.

>Positive androgyny
the presence of both male and female secondary sex characteristics that gives an uncanny or unattractive appearance. Examples include a man with breasts or a woman with male pattern baldness.

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A more modern term that refers to anyone under the transgender, transsexual, transvestite, and nonbinary umbrellas. Intended to be a shorthand for the term transgender.

A trans person, especially an MTF trans person. Originates from 4chan and typically refers to trans people from 4chan specifically, mimicking 4chan slang “channer”.

A person who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth and takes efforts to transition into the gender they do identify with, which may include social, legal, and medical transition. Transgender is a more modern term coined in the 80s and popularized in the 90s to help bridge the transsexual and transvestite communities, by recognizing commonalities between them and enabling “transvestites”, formerly barred from receiving HRT due to not wishing to pursue bottom surgery, to undergo medical transition through the insurance system.

An older term for trans people coined by Magnus Hirschfeld, who first documented trans people in the West. Transsexual people experience a gender identity that is inconsistent with their assigned sex and desire to permanently transition to the sex with which they identify, seeking medical assistance to help them align their body with their identified sex or gender. Formerly used to refer to only trans people who pursued bottom surgery, currently used more flexibly to refer to anyone who medically transitions.

Transvestism is the practice of dressing in a manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex. An older term for trans people coined by Magnus Hirschfeld, to distinguish between Transsexuals, who were interested in pursuing bottom surgery and medical transition, and those who merely dressed up as the opposite sex.

Transsexualism was used to refer to those who were interested in the sex of the opposite gender, and transvestism was used to refer to interest in the clothes of the opposite gender.

Many people formerly considered Transvestites did identify as the opposite gender, and did undergo hormone replacement therapy. The term Transgender was later coined to bridge the gap in the community in order to refer to everyone who identified as the opposite gender, rather than separating between sex and clothes.

Transgender Goon. A slur used for transgender people originating from Something Awful, but now largely used by the Kiwifarms and Lolcow communities.

Trooning out
The act of becoming trans, publically starting your transition, and irreversibly realizing you are trans. Carries the connotation that doing such is shameful, or that the trans person lacked agency in their realization.

Trans for Trans. This refers to trans people seeking other trans people for dating or hook-up purposes. It can also refer to an attitude of general solidarity between trans people supporting each other.

A person's birth-assigned name from pre-transition.

an incel term that describes the act of transitioning from male to female in order to improve their perceived sexual appeal, despite not actually identifying as female.

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a person who transitioned at a very young age, to the point that it gave them a perceived unfair advantage in their ability to pass.

A person who transitioned at an age somewhere between that of a youngshit and an old shit. This was generally considered to be 20-30 but has been memed into a much younger age and differs wildly, depending on who you ask.

A person who transitioned at an older age to the point that it gives them a disadvantage in their transition and general passability. This used to be considered around 30+ but has been memed down to around 16+, depending on who you ask.

>Turboyoungshit / Gigayoungshit
A trans person who transitioned at an EXTREMELY young age. They likely started blockers as soon as they hit puberty and their endocrine systems were never even touched by anything aside from cross-sex hormones.

>Jurrassicshit / Ancientshit
A person who started HRT at an extremely late age, this term is usually used in a playful and ironic manner.

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Short for "True Transsexual Scum", A trans person who believes that you need dysphoria to be trans or that transgenderism is a serious medical issue and should thus be treated as such. Truscums often hate people who hold beliefs such as gender being a social construct and xenogenders being valid.

Short for "too cute to be cis", a term used by truscum transmedicalists to imply any non-dysphoric or xenogender trans people aren’t real trans people and are just identifying as trans to be “cute” or “trendy.” Usually applied to afab nonbinary people or non-transitioning trans men.

A person who believes themselves to be genuinely transgender in contrast to other people who are believed to be faking.

>Trender / Transtrender
A person accused of claiming a trans identity to be fashionable, rather than because they are actually transgender. They are often said to not experience any real discomfort with their assigned gender and often do not take active measures to pass as the gender they identify as. Xenogender people are also commonly accused of being trenders.

A pejorative term for affirming someone regardless of their appearance. Hugboxing is a type of Toxic Positivity, where negativity, criticism, or concern is not allowed, even when it is specifically requested by the subjects being discussed. Many trans people develop brainworms due to seeking more edgy communities out of a distaste for communities that hugbox.

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A sexologist who is largely discredited within mainstream science. He came up with a typology of trans women that breaks them into Autogynephilia (AGP) and Homosexual Transexual (HSTS).

Autogynephilia, a pseudo-scientific term that is part of Blanchard's typology of transsexuals. Purports that trans women who are bisexual, asexual, or attracted to women transitioned primarily to fulfill their sexual fetish of being perceived as a woman.

Homosexual Transexual, a pseudo-scientific term that is part of Blanchard's typology of transsexuals. Under his typology, Homosexual Transexuals are supposedly homosexual people who transition in order to attract straight partners. Ie. lesbians who transition to men to attract straight women, or gay men who transition to women to attract straight men.

slang for HSTS (homosexual transexual).

>Erotic Target Location Error
A hypothetical paraphilia relating to arousal at the idea of one’s self as something else, such as autogynephilia or autoandrophilia.

A part of Blanchard’s pseudoscientific typology of transsexuals. Proposes that bisexual trans women are autogynephilic straight men that only appear to be attracted to men, because they are actually fulfilling the sexual fetish of seeing themselves in a feminine sex role. This helps make Blanchard’s typology unfalsifiable by proposing that exceptions to it are simply lying.

Autoandrophillia, a pseudo-scientific term that is part of Blanchard's typology of transsexuals. Blanchard does not believe this is real, and proposed it merely to satisfy a gender parity with AGP. The paraphilic tendency of someone assigned female at birth to be sexually aroused by the thought of becoming a male.

autogynandromorphile. A person who fetishizes the idea of becoming a trans woman or a woman with a penis, and then transitions with this sexually gratifying idea as their primary motive.

autogynandromorphophile. A person who is attracted to AGAMP's.

A person who is attracted to AGP's.

Autohomoeroticism. The sexual fetish of being attracted to yourself as a gay man, usually from the perspective of a woman or trans man.

Autosaphoeroticism. The sexual fetish of being attracted to yourself as a lesbian woman, usually from the person of a man or trans woman.

masochistic emasculation fetish. A specific variety of AGP where the individual sees femininity as degrading and gets turned on by being a failed male.

Gynandromorphophilia, men who are attracted to trans women that have not had bottom surgery.

>Ego dystonic autosapphoerotic synesthesia
Term invented by Cinderblockhon to create a pathologizing explanation for her dysphoria that precludes her from being an ordinary trans woman. It is likely Blanchard-inspired.

A trans person that unironically believes in and advocates for blanchardian theories.

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A man that fetishizes trans women, often to the point of objectifying them. They often turn out to be repressed trans women themselves.

A trans person (almost always a trans woman) who wears diapers for sexual gratification and often also likes to act as if they are a baby or young child. These people often consider themselves to be part of the “ABDL” community (adult baby diaper lovers). For unknown reasons, within the ABDL community, there are an extremely disproportionate amount of trans women in comparison to cis women.

refers to women who love yaoi (hentai porn which focuses on gay males). Fujoshi typically self-insert as the twink, or imagine one of the couple as a trans man receiving PIV sex or getting pregnant, etc to be more 'relatable' to their actual romantic/sexual experiences.

Sissy is a derogatory term for amab people who are perceived to fail at performing masculinity. Sissy is also a fetish term referring to obtaining arousal through shame associated with femininity. The sissy fetish typically involves exaggerated femininity being forced onto an unwilling subject for that subject’s arousal. It typically involves fancy dresses with lace, ribbons, petticoats, etc.

>Sissy Hypno
A genre of pornographic video and audio that is purported to hypnotize a subject into becoming a sissy, transgender, or a woman in order to obtain sexual arousal.

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A cis boy's butthole in the context of anal sex or a trans man’s vagina.

This usually refers to the act of a transgirl being dominated and overpowered by a masculine sexual partner, such that they feel so feminine in comparison that their socialized “boyness” becomes removed during the process.

The smell of a boy. The process of transitioning can make this smell more appealing and arousing.

A male that assumes the more feminine and submissive role within a long-term committed relationship with another more masculine male.

A young man or boy who is generally considered to be naturally cute or androgynous in their form, while also presenting in a feminine manner.

A more masculine-bodied male that uses some amount of female gender presentation.

>HRT femboy
A feminine male that uses HRT to maintain or enhance feminine features without identifying as a trans woman. They may use alternative hormone regimens to maintain this, such as SERMs, notably Raloxifene.

An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. The stereotypical twink is 18-22, slender with little or no body hair, in good physical shape, and sexually submissive.

>Twink death
The idea that as twinks become older, they lose their boyish aesthetic and therefore gradually stop being a twink. See gay death.

a combination of a twink and a hunk. A twink who has bulked up and is more muscular in his physique.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy, a pharmaceutical medication that replaces a person’s natural hormones with those of the gender they identify with. Allowing them to go through specific physical changes that aid in their transition.

Pharmaceutical medication that blocks a person's naturally occurring hormones, usually testosterone. Common examples include spironolactone, bicalutamide, and finasteride. This can also refer to drugs that block puberty so that potentially trans children have time to decide whether or not they want to transition.

Bicalutamide. An anti-androgen that prevents testosterone from reaching cells, but does not stop it from being produced.

Cyproterone acetate. An anti-androgen that blocks testosterone. It's generally considered to be a more powerful version of spironolactone.

Dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that stimulates the development of male characteristics. It is made through the conversion of the more commonly known hormone, testosterone. It is also largely responsible for the more undesirable parts of masculinization, such as male pattern baldness.

Domperidone, is a medication that induces lactation in women.

>Dr Powers
A well-known doctor who specializes in trans health care and has his own method of hormone replacement therapy that differs from the standard recommended by WPATH, which is purported to be more effective. Also regarded as a bit of a crackpot.

Do It Yourself, usually refers to self-medicating hormone medication.


Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

Progesterone, a female hormone associated with increased sex drive, and breast growth. Often taken rectally for best results.

>Prog Horny
This refers to the increase in sex drive that MTFs often experience after taking progesterone as part of their hormone replacement therapy.

A HRT method that uses estrogen alone without the addition of an androgen blocker. It’s a commonly used term within the doctor powers community, a celebrity trans endocrinologist.

>Inhouse pharmacy
An online pharmacy that sells hormone medication without the need of a prescription.

The cheap injectable estrogen that is sold by an Ukrainian woman known as Lena.

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. Raloxifene is the best known. SERMs can promote estrogen uptake in certain receptors, and prevent it in others, allowing for selective feminization in transfeminine HRT.

World Professional Association for Transgender Health, an organization that has created a standard of care document that is intended to advise medical professionals on how to administer transition care to transgender patients. Notable for recommending lower doses of hormones and hormone levels than would be effective to produce effective results and recommending wait lists as a way of gatekeeping trans people to make sure they’re actually trans.

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The ability or incidence of being regarded by others as a gender, or as cisgender, without needing to explicitly inform them.

a person who passes as the gender they have transitioned into.

>Anglefrauding / Anglefagging
Using extreme angles within selfies and photographs to make yourself pass better than in real life.

Being extremely skinny and underweight. It is often associated with eating disorders and trying to lose weight to pass better.

The tendency to starve one’s self in order to be thin and passing as a trans person.

>BDD passoid
A trans person who passes as the gender they identify as but is convinced that they do not due to their Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

To spot that somebody is transgender based upon their physical attributes such as appearance or voice.

This usually refers to FTMs that are embracing being a short hairy man as a helpful way to improve their passability.

This usually refers to MTFs that are embracing being a tall skinny woman as a helpful way to improve their passability.

An MTF that deliberately gains weight to soften her bone structure and pass more effectively as a female. This can be a surprisingly helpful technique for certain people.

A trans person with an unfair advantage in their passability due to good luck, genetics, finances, background, etc.

The incidence of a trans woman being treated as a woman when presenting male in public.

>Man in a dress
a common phrase for describing a non-passing transwoman.

When somebody makes another person look bad by being superior in terms of some physical attribute. For example, height-mogging would be being taller than a short person, especially a short person who is insecure about their height. Within 4tran culture, mogging usually refers to outpassing other trans people.

A trans person who looks "suspiciously" trans instead of more definitively cis.

The act of maintaining a lifestyle where no one knows that you are transgender and you are perceived exclusively as your transitioned self. Described by many as “trading one closet for another”.

>Weight Cycling
A technique used to accelerate fat redistribution while on hormones, involving cycles of gaining weight, then cutting weight, to add weight to the areas the hormones agonize, and remove weight from the areas hormones antagonize. Most notably used by trans women to promote breast growth.

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>Repper / Repressor
A person repressing their gender dysphoria and a general need to transition.

Something which reduces hope in a person who wants to transition to the point that it encourages them to repress their urges further.

A person who does not yet realize they are trans. The act of realizing they are trans is referred to as "hatching".

People who considered themselves trans and/or underwent transition that ultimately decided to permanently cease identifying as trans and medically transitioning. Very rare. 1-6 in 1000 trans people are said to permanently desist.

A trans person who detransitions and reverts back to the gender they were assigned at birth. A detransitioner may later decide to retransition. Only a small proportion of detrans people are desisters and most people who detransition do so due to transphobia.

>Enby cope
When a person is either not ready to accept that they are MTF/FTM or cannot pass as such, so they tell themselves and other people that they are non-binary instead because it's more comfortable than the alternative. Nonbinary people are frequently accused of enbycope as a way of dismissing their nonbinary identity, because 4chan doesn’t really believe in nonbinary people.

When a trans woman is either not ready to accept that they are MTF or cannot pass as such, so they tell themselves and other people that they are a femboy instead because it's more comfortable than the alternative.

An MTF trans woman who is in a state of permanently presenting as a man due to repression, not being out yet, or any number of other potential reasons.

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>Bideltoid width
The horizontal width of a person’s shoulders. The average shoulder width of American women over the age of 17 is 13.9 inches (35.3 cm) , while men have an average shoulder width of 15.6 inches (39.6 cm).

The small conical/tubular shaped breasts that many trans women develop as a result of their breast growth getting stuck at the earlier stages of development and not fully rounding out.

>Digit ratio
The amount of length difference between your middle and ring finger. This is supposedly affected by fetal exposure to hormones, particularly testosterone and other androgens. It is also said to correlate with gayness and gender identity.

>Canthal tilt
This refers to the angle of a person's eyes. According to incel culture, a negative canthal tilt is an extremely unattractive feature on men, as it looks droopy and unintimidating.

A tongue-in-cheek name for the penis of a trans woman. Also referred to as “gock” or “girldick”.

Facial width to height ratio, a measure derived from archaeological skull measurements. FWHR may be linked with adolescent testosterone.

>Facial planes
a measurement of the bony profile of the face. This term is typically used in the context of referring to whether or not the structure of a person's face is masculine or feminine.

shorthand for the section of face spanning from the mouth to the eyes. A shorter midface appears more feminine, and a longer one is more masculine. Among 4tranners, this is said to be extremely important for passing to the point that a person is doomed if they do not have the right shaped midface. The midface is extremely expensive and painful to adjust with surgery, even among gender-affirming facial surgeries.

A word that many trans women easily mistake for “girldick”.

>Gonial angle
The angle of the bottom outer edge of a person’s jaw bone when viewed from the side. It is said to be within 128° +/- 2.36° for males and 126° +/-2.41° for females.

a penis.

>Radial Spacing of Pores
An esoteric means of clocking trans people by looking at the spacing of their pores. AFAB individuals supposedly have evenly spaced pores, whereas AMAB individuals supposedly have diamond-shaped spacing.

>Nasolabel angle
A term used by cosmetic surgeons in the context of rhinoplasties that has no majority consensus definition, it is generally used as a proxy for tip rotation and denotes the angle between the nasal base and the upper lip. The most aesthetic female nasolabial angle is said to be 104.9±4.0 degrees. The most aesthetic male nasolabial angle is said to be 97.0±6.3 degrees.

>Norwood scale
The Norwood scale (or Hamilton-Norwood scale) is the leading classification system used to measure the extent of male pattern baldness.

>Philtrum length
the length of the vertical indentation in the middle area of the upper lip. The average philtrum length for males is between 11 and 15 mm, while for females it is 11-13mm.

a Japanese term that refers to being able to see the full white of a person's eyes either above or below the iris.

the angle formed by a line drawn from the ASIS to central patella and a second line drawn from central patella to tibial tubercle. This essentially measures how much a person's upper legs diagonally lean inwards from their hips. Normally, the Q angle is 14 deg for males and 17 deg for females.

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Facial Feminization Surgery

Facial Masculinization Surgery

Sexual reassignment surgery. The surgical procedure of having your genitals rearranged into a neovagina or neopenis.

The act of inserting medical dilators into a neo-vagina to prevent it from closing up and becoming unusable. This has to be done on a daily basis for long periods of time after sexual reassignment surgery. Used as an insulting command by transphobic people in a way similar to “cope” or “seethe”.

>DIY Orchi
Do It Yourself Orchiectomy. The act of cutting off your own testicles.

An FTM's surgically created neo-penis.

An FTM's surgically created neo-penis.

A neovagina. A surgically constructed vagina.

>Full body phalloplasty
A humorous but grotesque fictional surgery often included in “pooner” art and memes. It typically depicts an FTM having their entire body replaced by one giant phallus with a head at its base.

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The internalized transphobic fear that one will not pass due to their bone structure.

When you realize that petplay fetishes are a core part of your sexual identity, especially in the context of performing the submissive role as a kitten or puppy for an owner/handler.

Where the redpill refers to someone realizing a truth about the world, pinkpill refers to someone realizing they are trans, usually a trans woman. Pinkpilling someone refers to making someone realize they are transgender. Sometimes used in a fetishized context. The original Red Pill from the movie The Matrix, was intended to be a parallel to the red pill form of Premarin, an early pill form of Estrogen for HRT.

Internalized transphobic fear that one will not pass due to their shoulders being too wide or too small to match their gender identity.

Internalized transphobic fear that one will not pass due to their skull being the wrong shape.

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Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. An AFAB cis feminist who supports women's rights at the complete exclusion of trans women, who are perceived to be predatory men invading women's spaces.

>TERF pipeline
similar to the more well-known alt-right pipeline, refers to the consumption of increasingly extreme ideological content that starts with general feminism but gradually converts a person into a TERF.

A TERF term that insists that trans women smile in an unnatural and unfeminine way that is both creepy and threatening. There is also a classic TERF song called "never smile at an autogynephile".

a TERF character often drawn wearing a science coat with DNA-like hair to mock trans people through the assertion that they cannot change their biological gender.

terf character that claims to be “biotrans”, meaning that she is a biological female who is transitioning into an MTF. The character is used to mock trans women by doing absurd things such as shaving her hair to look like male pattern baldness, wearing a strap on under her skirt to imitate euphoria boners, using makeup to give herself 5 o'clock shadow, dressing like a lolita, grooming minors on the internet, and pursuing cosmetic surgeries to achieve a more masculine bone structure.

>Peak Trans
A TERF term for the moment when a TERF has had enough of trans people and decides to become a TERF.

A TERF term for causing a peak trans moment for another person by attempting to convince them that trans women are all rapists and murderers.

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. A term coined by Lisa Littman after conducting a survey of parents which established that most parents were unaware their kid was trans before the kid came out to them, and attempted to use this to argue that transgender identity can be propagated as a social contagion. It has never been recognized by any major professional association as a valid mental health diagnosis, and its use has been discouraged by the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, and other medical organizations due to a lack of reputable scientific evidence for the concept.

Trans Identified Female. The TERF term for an FTM.

Trans Identified Male. The TERF term for an MTF.

Ideology Induced Transsexual. Someone who is purported to not really be trans, just identifies as such due to social contagion.

TERF Mastodon instance.

A social network app that attempts to use facial recognition to only allow cis women to register. The facial recognition is inaccurate and allows many trans women to register, and prevents many cis women from registering, especially Women of Color. The creator is a TERF and will personally ban any trans woman she discovers using the app, and uses the social network to promote anti-trans rhetoric.

British parent support forum that has overwhelmingly become a home for TERFs.

TERF website modeled on Reddit.

A TERF term used for women who lost their “husbands” to transition, equating being trans with literally dying.
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>Audrey/Aiden Hale
An FTM school shooter.

an autistic transwoman known for being the ultimate “lolcow”, the creator of sonichu, and the most documented person in human history.

A tripcode user who was famous for posting voraciously about their unlikelihood of passing.

>Contrapoints / Hontrapoints / Hontra
A trans woman YouTuber named Natalie Wynn.

>Evie Amati
An australian trans woman who is a literal axe murderer.

>Gamestop lady
A trans woman who went viral after being repeatedly misgendered in a GameStop and instigating a confrontation over it as well as correcting the people misgendering her. The video is easy to look up.

>Jessica Yaniv
a Canadian transwoman who is best known for filing at least 15 complaints of discrimination against various beauty salons after they refused to wax her male genitalia.

refers to Hunter Schafer, a trans actress.

>John 50
A “50 year-old genetic male” that was used as a case study within an article known as “The Gender Variant Phenomenon--A Developmental Review”. Within this article, he is said to have broken down due to decades of repressing his gender dysphoria. He is often used as an example of what a person will become if they repress their gender dysphoria into their old age.

>PhilosophyTube / TOOB / Tube
A trans woman YouTuber named Abigail Thorne.

>Randy Stair
A mass shooter, also known by the pseudonym, Andrew Blaze. Identified as a trans woman, idolized the Columbine shooters, and had an obsession with the character Ember from the TV show, Danny Phantom.

A transmaxxer YouTuber.

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Shorthand for submissive, a person who prefers to assume a submissive role within sexual, romantic, or general interpersonal situations.

A person who takes the dominant role during relationships, sex, or BDSM-oriented activities. Not necessarily the same thing as a top.

A phrase used by lesbians and gay men, referring to who engages in penetration during sexual encounters. Doesn’t necessarily overlap with Dom.

A person who prefers to receive penetration and be generally more submissive during sex. As opposed to a top that prefers giving penetration and taking a more dominant role.

refers to a woman of any sexual orientation attracted to other women.

a term for a bisexual that is attracted to primarily feminine features, ie someone who prefers women and feminine-looking men. These are also the sorts of men who tend to look young (18 to mid-20s), so they get accused of going after "barely legal" types.

>Bisexual A/Bisexual B
one of them is an attraction to the extreme ends of the masculinity/feminity spectrum, and the other is an attraction to the middle (androgynous people). We have no idea which is which.

Pseudobisexuals are people who claim to be bisexual that only ever date or sleep with one gender. Otherwise, see meta-attraction.

>Gay death
The idea that when a gay person reaches around 30 years old, no one will be interested in them anymore because they are old now and gay people are so supposedly shallow they won't date anyone who isn't young. This is the gay version of “hitting the wall”, an incel term that refers to cis women reaching 30 and suddenly being so old that no man will date her.

A cisgendered woman who is attracted to other women. This term is usually used to differentiate from transbians.

Straight trans for trans. A heterosexual relationship in which an FTM and an MTF are dating.

“God I wish that were me”

>God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers
the original basis for a phrase with infinite variations that humorously describes ironic and/or unfair situations which different groups of trans related people find themselves in. Common examples include: “god gives his most masculine features to his most dysphoric trannies”, “god gives his clockiest features to his most transphobic cis women”, “god gives his shortest heights to his most malebrained pooners”, etc, etc.

>Take your pills Alice
A copypasta meme phrase used to either inform an egg that they should follow through and transition, or to reassure someone having doubts that they should continue their transition.

>Take your shots Ayden
The FTM equivalent of “Take your pills Alice”. Used to encourage FTMs to follow through with their transition.

>Would transition have saved her?
A copypasta meme phrase. Unironically used to refer to people identified as probable eggs that died before transitioning, and ironically used to apply said context to people who it would be absurd to imply are trans.

>Monday morning, hairs a mess, no makeup, how do i look?
A copypasta meme phrase, used to downplay a selfie as not being their best effort.

>Simple as
Idiom implying something is so basic, it’s unquestionable.

>What would you do if you saw a boymoder ___ and being ___?
Copypasta meme phrase with long descriptive sentences filling in the blanks. The stock reply is, “tire iron”.

>Tire iron
Part of a running gag around engaging in slapstick antics to punish a boymoder for engaging in over-the-top trans hijinks.

"Dress Go Spinny", also referred to as "Skirt Go Spinny", is a popular catchphrase used in the LGBT community. The phrase is used as a tongue-in-cheek way to deflect criticism or inquiries as to why a trans woman transitioned, similar to how “Money Printer Go Brr”.

>Tiny little pooner hands typed this post/Giant hon hands wrote this post
Used to mock the poster of a comment or thread, especially when they are complaining about other trans people.
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A cis person who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth.

A cis woman who is masculine enough in her appearance that she sometimes gets mistaken as a trans woman. It is often observed that British TERFs have an unusually high ratio of cishons in comparison to that of the general population.

A cis man who is feminine enough in his appearance that he sometimes gets mistaken as a trans man.

A humorous and slightly derogatory term that refers to cis people. It seems to be a play on the word sissy.

A playful derogatory term used to refer to cis people.

>Female brained females
A cis woman who is naturally feminine in their personality, lifestyle, and brain structure.

>Reverse Dysphoria
The gender dysphoria that cis people are said to experience when they mistakenly transition, have an appearance that does not match with their gender identity, or are forced into situations in which they have to present as the opposite gender.

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this refers to the number of transgender people that supposedly commit suicide. In reality, 41% is considered to be the attempt rate, not the success rate. It is commonly blurted out in trans threads as a contextless insult from conservatives.

an onomatopoeia for the sound somebody makes during a hanging, and is often used to cut short sentences or quotes, indicating that the person was hanged before the end of the sentence.

>An Hero
The act of committing suicide, or used to refer to someone who has committed suicide. Ancient 4chan meme based on a grammatical mistake in a poem about a kid who committed suicide.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder, a mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance. The flaw may be minor or imagined.

To commit suicide, usually by hanging.

>It's over
Something terrible has happened, I will never recover, and all hope is lost.

A negative aspect of a person that is not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.

Lie down and rot. The idea that all hope is lost and the only remaining option for a person is to wallow in their own misery.

ideas and content that encourage a person to commit suicide.

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Another name for /tttt/, quad-t. For further clarification, /tttt/ has become a nickname for the /lgbt/ imageboard on 4chan as it is primarily filled with trans people.

A shark plushie from Ikea that has become a meme among trans women and the general LGBT community.

a beloved character from the visual novel game “NEET Girl Date Night”, created by hitsuji. She is not canonically trans but is clearly at least heavily inspired by online trans culture.

Fallout New Vegas, a game popular among trans women.

Hearts of Iron 4, a game popular among trans women.

A physical appearance within bodybuilding that involves a mixture of being both simultaneously fat and muscular.

A Japanese term for a genre of art that focuses on men loving men usually created by gay men for a gay audience. Usually implied to be masculine muscled men.

Malding is a combination of “mad” and “balding” to refer to someone who gets so mad that they start balding.

A reference to a joke in a Simpsons episode. It is also used as a stand-in for the word seethe.

A nonsense term with no consensus meaning. It is commonly used to deliberately confuse people in a humorous manner.

A social structure that conveys people toward certain viewpoints. Used jokingly to imply that there is some sort of social structure that influenced a transition from any starting identity to any endpoint identity. Ie. “country boy to emo girl pipeline”.

The act of thinking, talking, or behaving in a manner that is riddled with brainworms. “She is being wormy.” “This community is wormy.”

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